In some cases you may find the train more convenient or more affordable than the bus, depending on where in the country you are travelling from. Often you find that the train will get you to your destination in a shorter period of time.

If you choose the train as an option, a good way is to catch the train to London or to one of the areas that is serviced by the Heathrow Hoppa or the National Express Heathrow bus.

The train journey time will depend on where you are travelling from; the same applies to the cost of the ticket. Train tickets are an affordable option, for example a train from Edinburgh in Scotland to London will only cost you £120 which is much more affordable than taking your car.

The train offers you comfortable seating and time to relax and prepare yourself for the journey ahead. There is ample storage space for your luggage so you can arrive at your destination ready for your holiday.

It’s always a good idea to book your tickets in advance both for the bus and the train; often you can get a discounted rate if you book a certain time period in advance. It’s a good idea to check with the Railway Company or Bus Company before purchasing the ticket. Often they also offer online deals, so always have a look at which companies are offering the most competitive prices.

Once you board your bus you will already be relaxed, you haven’t had to drive and are getting excited about your journey. The friendly drivers will help you with your luggage as you get on the air-conditioned coach which will delivery you at the departures terminal at terminal 5.